+40 years of experience

40 years of experience in the processing of thermoplastic resins

S.L.A.M.P. plastic molding

Active for over 40 years in the plastic processing sector, S.L.A.M.P. srl of Arcore has carved out a leading role over the years among companies specializing in the molding of plastic and thermoplastic materials, becoming one of the best known and most established companies in the Brianza and Lombardy regions. The great experience accumulated in the field, with the first certification obtained in 1999, together with the high technology available, are the strengths of the Lombard company, the best guarantee for a molding service of unsurpassed quality, which from the design and prototyping of each mold for plastic leads to the production of thermoplastic articles characterized by high performance, which allow to respond effectively to specific needs of the reference sector.

Plastic processing according to high production and quality standards

The company, developed on an area of ​​4,500 square meters of which 2,000 used for production and warehouse, produces articles in high quality plastic materials also in large series, managing to cover the entire production cycle and providing a concrete response to all the needs of the market. Convenience and customization of the plastic molding process are the aspects that characterize the processes performed by the company. Important economic criteria that are combined with safety regulations and quality standards, certified not only by forty years of experience in the sector, but also by the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification for the Company Quality System, which guarantees maximum control in terms of reliability of the services and services offered.